I did it, what did I do?

The website is now in HTTPS. It took me a while to setup WordPress, but now it’s complete with a separate RDS, EFS, auto-scaling group, and load balancer. It was a doozy. I kept on getting 500 and endless redirect errors. I isolated the problems to my configuration in wp-config. Copy and pasting code into user-data which I would then ‘sed’ into the config brought forth issues. This was after testing over 20 launch template versions and configurations done outside of user-data (which involved a lot of waiting and terminating of EC2 instances). I tried manually typing said code, and even considered using a separate file for my user-data. I fixed it by baking an image with the wp-config I wanted. I still use a launch template to ‘sed’ over things in the configuration I want to use environment variables with from the Parameter Store. I think I could have come across a way more elegant solution, but it will do for now.

Originally posted: June 21, 2023

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